

Cím Fájlnév
Cím Fájlnév
100 PhD rules of the game to successfully complete a doctoral dissertation 100_PhD_rules_of_the_game_2018.pdf
100 research rules of the game: How to make your research world class; how to successfully publish in top international refereed journals 100_research_rules_of_the_game_2018.pdf
Writing a research paper Whitesides_Writing_a_Research_Paper.pdf
Guidelines for writing a scientific paper Guidelines for Writing a Scientific Paper_v03.pdf
Making figures for a scientific paper Making_Figures_2021.pdf
Writing and publishing a scientifc paper Scholz_ScientificPapers_8_8_2022.pdf
Responding to reviewers’ comments: tips on handling challenging comments Balan_ReviewersComments_ChemTexts_8_16_2022.pdf

Elsevier Researcher Academy

Santiago Ramón Y Cajal: Tudományos kutatásra vezérlő kalauz Novák Rudolf és Társa, Budapest, kb. 1930

Santiago Ramón Y Cajal: Advice for a Young Investigator, 1897