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Ambra Hyskaj received the OSPP award
Ambra Hyskaj received the "Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP)" awrd at the EGU2023 conference in Vienna.
30. June 2023.
Ambra Hyskaj received the "Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP)" awrd at the EGU2023 conference in Vienna.

Tájváltozások társadalmi érzékelésének vizsgálata Duna-Tisza közi mintaterületeken...
Date of the public discussion: 2021-V-27 09:30 Supervisors: Marianna Biró, Mária Ottilia Szabó †
27. May 2021. ELTE online Zoom call
Date of the public discussion: 2021-V-27 09:30 Supervisors: Marianna Biró, Mária Ottilia Szabó †

3 Minute Thesis Competition
3 Minute Thesis Competition of the Coimbra Group for PhD students to present their thesis topic in just 3 minutes.
04. February 2021.
3 Minute Thesis Competition of the Coimbra Group for PhD students to present their thesis topic in just 3 minutes.