


Title File name Last modified Size
Title File name Last modified Size
Hungarian State Regulation of Doctoral Schools 387_2012. (XII. 19.) Korm. rendelet.pdf 24.01.2021. 1.74 MB
ELTE By-laws for the Doctoral Schools ELTE_SZMSZ_Egyetemi Doktori SZabályzat 2016.pdf 24.01.2021. 2.12 MB
Current Internal Regulations of the Doctoral School KTDI_Regulations_2023.pdf 01.06.2023. 489.99 KB
Quality assurance KTDI_quality_assurance_2022.pdf 19.02.2022. 207.79 KB
Rules of the predefense KTDI_predefence_rules_2022 (1).pdf 13.02.2022. 181.01 KB
ELTE EDÖK Regulations EDOK_ASZ.pdf 03.06.2021. 257.22 KB
Previous Internal Regulations of the Doctoral School KTDI-academic_regulations_2020.pdf 13.02.2022. 116.97 KB
Resolutions of the Council of the Doctoral School 2022 KTDI_DIT_hatarozatok_2022.pdf 31.01.2023. 422.81 KB
Resolutions of the Council of the Doctoral School 2023 KTDI_DIT_hatarozatok_2023.pdf 09.05.2023. 415.63 KB
KTDI Development Plan (2023-2028) KTDI_development_plan_2023-2028.pdf 23.02.2023. 199.47 KB
KTDI Requirements for Supervisors KTDI_requirements_for_supervisors.pdf 23.02.2023. 262.9 KB