Photosynthesis in the light of street lamps - Siska Flóra Narrow wawelength ranges of LED and sodium lamps used in public lighting affect unilaterally the physiologocal responses of plants. Photosynthesis in the light of street lamps - Siska Flóra Narrow wawelength ranges of LED and sodium lamps used in public lighting affect unilaterally the physiologocal responses of plants.
Soil CO₂ and N₂O emissions based on a long-term tillage experiment - Dencső... Based on a 5-year long investigation no-tillage and shallow cultivation had higher CO 2 and N 2 O emissions compared to the mouldboard ploughing treatment. Soil CO₂ and N₂O emissions based on a long-term tillage experiment - Dencső... Based on a 5-year long investigation no-tillage and shallow cultivation had higher CO 2 and N 2 O emissions compared to the mouldboard ploughing treatment.
Air pollution attributable to solid fuel burning - Balogh Boglárka Sára Air pollution attributable to solid fuel burning - Balogh Boglárka Sára
Managed Aquifer Recharge using rooftop rainwater harvesting and shallow... The effects of rainwater harvesting by shallow well infiltration is investigated by a field experiment. Managed Aquifer Recharge using rooftop rainwater harvesting and shallow... The effects of rainwater harvesting by shallow well infiltration is investigated by a field experiment.
Effect of iodine containing irrigation water on the quality of food plants... Iodine deficiency is a well-known environmental health problem affecting billions of people that can be solved by increasing the iodine content of food... Effect of iodine containing irrigation water on the quality of food plants... Iodine deficiency is a well-known environmental health problem affecting billions of people that can be solved by increasing the iodine content of food...
Geoheritage assessment and volcanological studies in the Perşani Mountains... The volcanic area of the Perşani Mountains is a very exciting area for researchers. In my research, the protection of volcanological heritage receives... Geoheritage assessment and volcanological studies in the Perşani Mountains... The volcanic area of the Perşani Mountains is a very exciting area for researchers. In my research, the protection of volcanological heritage receives...